Wallpaper Vs Paint: All You Need To Know Before You Decide

Are you always caught in the war of wallpaper vs paint in your head? Deciding to choose between wallpaper and paint for your home or certain parts of your home can be challenging sometimes especially if you are a first time homeowner. This post makes it easier for you to make that decision.

Here is what you need to look out for in this post:

  1.  Why Paint?
  2.  Why Wallpaper?
  3.  Let’s Compare Both
  4.  Now What’s The Verdict

Whether to paint, wallpaper or even do both when you move into a your new home or want to change your interior decor keeps you deliberating for sometime. If you decide to paint; it is either with the type of paint to go for, the colours, finishing etc. Wallpaper on the other hand also brings up questions like “Is it durable, does it look better, how much?” etc. Basically, you always come down to the same question “which should I go for, wallpaper or paint? Well let’s answer that!

Why Paint?

Over the past years paint has been the number one solution in most Ghanaian homes when it comes to the finishing of walls. The most popular choices today are emulsion paints, however they are gradually fading out as homeowners are now using more of acrylic paints due to their washable property ensuring the walls are clean at all times although there are some types of emulsion paints with washable properties. We have now seen how painters can get creative with several design patterns and excellent finishing making paint jobs better than before.

Why Wallpaper?

Yeah! 3X! Lately, wallpapers are beginning to gain popularity in homes especially in the urban communities of Ghana. We all like the look of those paper patterns on the walls in different colours, shades and textures, prints and customized graphics. They come in rolls with standard widths of 20.76 inches, 21 inches and even 48 inches, while larger printed graphics can be found in widths of 64 inches, 78 inches and 120 inches, depending on the design.

Let’s Compare

Here is what you need to know though. Be it paint or wallpaper, before either is applied it is important to prepare the wall first. Both paint and wallpaper must be applied on even surfaces. The walls need to be sanded, plastered and finished with a coat of primer. For walls with existing wallpaper, it needs to be scrapped off the wall without damaging the wall. Sometimes some chemicals are required to do this.




Ensures perfect finish overall and at edges.However…

Process takes 2 to 3 days for as a minimum of 3 coats is applied.

May stain floors, furniture and windows, if proper care is not taken.

Can be applied quickly and without a mess if you have the right tools and basic skills.However…

There are chances of air bubbles or crevices forming and, thus, spoiling the appeal of the design.


 Renders an even finish but colours may sometimes vary from the chart to the final coat. There are no surprises in terms of shade accuracy.


Modern paint solutions last longer (up to 5 years) and are also washable.However…

Paint can fade, if exposed to direct sunlight.

Damaged portions of wallpapers can be covered or replaced with leftover roll.However…

Wallpapers can fade when exposed to sunlight, and can be damaged by scratches and tears.


Is available in every imaginable shade possible.However…

Patterned textures cost more and require more time to be applied.

Is available in a variety of colours, prints, patterns and textures (also customisable), with roughly the same application time and process..However…

May not be available in specific shades.


Is cheaper than wallpapers, in cost per sq ft. Cost per sq ft increases for high-end designs and for installation.

Source: The Urban Guide

Now What’s The Verdict

Choose paints…

  • If you want to be able to wash or clean your walls often (possible with washable emulsion or acrylic paints)
  • If you desire a specific shade not available among wallpapers
  • When skills and time are not really a concern
  • When you have kids that could easily scratch or damage the surface of wallpaper

Choose wallpaper…

  • If you want to highlight one or two walls or just pillars
  • When you are looking for options to fix your rented home
  • If you have rooms with minimum humidity or moisture
  • For a quick fix solution to damaged walls
  • If there are certain areas where there could be excessive touching of walls or lots of activities
  • If you are allergic to dust or the smell of paints

Now I hope you have a clear thought on which of these two to go in for when designing your walls. What is it going to be? Wallpaper or Paint? Feel free to let me know your decisions and how we can help you achieve that. Visit HouseClap or call 0200-054-188 to get quotes on painting and wallpapering services.

credits: The Urban Guide